Media Uses FAKE PHOTO of Dead Bin Laden

Media Uses FAKE PHOTO of Dead Bin Laden
May 2, 2011

Mainstream media used a FAKE image of Bin Laden and passed it off as the actual trophy shot of the terrorist that was apparently killed on May 1, 2011. The image was used on the front pages of the Daily Mail, Times, Telegraph, Sun and Mirror websites along with many cable news outlets.

Officials claim they have the real pictures of the dead Bin Laden, but say that they are too graphic to put out. The pictures apparently show Bin Laden with a gunshot wound to the side of the head but due to the wounds his face is “unrecognizable”. Officials also say they quickly disposed Bin Laden’s remains into the sea for the sole reason not to create a martyr shrine for future jihadists.

In my opinion there will be no pictures of the corpse of Bin Laden because he was never assassinated on May 1, 2011. IF they do roll out the photos, the corpse would be unrecognizable. Seems all too convenient to dump the body at sea and not show the public actual proof of his remains because there are none!

There is just too much proof that Bin Laden died in 2001 in Tora Bora, be it health issues or military involvement, check these out:

Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead… For the Ninth Time
Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government
BREAKING NEWS: Osama bin Dead awhile
FOX NEWS Reported Bin Laden’s Death in 2001
Bin Laden’s Ghost Claims Flight 253 Attack
U.S. Openly Accepts Bin Laden Long Dead

May 1 is a day of historical events, here are a few:

1776 – Adam Weishaupt founds secret society of Illuminati
1945 – Hitler was declared dead
2003 – Bush declared “mission accomplished” in Iraq on an aircraft carrier

This is just a massive propaganda campaign by the Obama administration to boost his approval rating and to stir up patriotism in support of more wars across the globe. To say that the Obama administration killed Bin Laden on May 1st seems just too perfect. Bin Laden’s supposed death is most likely politically motivated for Obama, and could be a pretext for another major 9/11-type event that will continue the global war on terror that will result in more unconstitutional measures and possibly a military service draft.

UPDATE: The media is still using the fake image of the dead Bin Laden! Sky news is still questioning whether the photo is real or fake, here’s the undeniable proof that it’s a total fraud:


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