Gaddafi orders explosion of Libya’s oil pipelines

Gaddafi orders explosion of Libya’s oil pipelines

Jerusalem Post
February 23, 2011

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has ordered his security forces to sabotage oil facilities, Time magazine reported Wednesday, quoting a source close to Gaddafi.

According to the report, the forces were ordered to start blowing up oil pipelines in order to cut off flows to ports in the Mediterranean.

“The sabotage, according to the insider, is meant to serve as a message to Libya’s rebellious tribes: It’s either me or chaos,” said the report.

Time also reported that the insider said Gaddafi only has the support of about 5,000 soldiers in the army and that the Libyan leader has told people close to him that he realizes he cannot take control over Libya with the troops he has.

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FLASHBACK: 1991 Burning Of Kuwait Oil Fields By Saddam

Libyan Unrest Gets Oil Market’s Attention

Castro: U.S. to Invade Libya for Oil


Castro: U.S. to Invade Libya for Oil

Castro: U.S. to Invade Libya for Oil
February 23, 2011

CUBA and Nicaragua have sprung to the defence of embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, with Fidel Castro claiming Washington plans to order a NATO invasion of Libya to seize oil interests.

“To me, it’s absolutely clear that the Government of the United States is not interested in peace in Libya,” said the 84-year old former Cuban leader, who still heads the Cuban Communist Party.

Washington, he said, “will not hesitate to give the order for NATO to invade that rich country, perhaps in the coming hours or days.”

There has been no immediate reaction to turmoil in Libya from Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez, Mr Gaddafi’s closest ally in the region.

But Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega defended his friend, saying he had spoken with Mr Gaddafi, who is “waging a great battle … and in these circumstances is trying to dialogue, and defend the integrity of the nation so that it does not break up, and so that there is no anarchy.

Libya is confronting a growing diplomatic backlash against the bloody crackdown on protesters, denouncing charges it was carrying out massacres.


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In exclusive, never-before-seen footage, former CIA operative E. Howard Hunt discusses his knowledge of and participation in the plot to kill Kennedy in a video testimony he gave shortly before his death.