Hypocrite Alex Jones Censors YouTube Comments

Hypocrite Alex Jones Censors YouTube Comments
March 26, 2011

Hypocrisy at its finest. Alex’s YouTube Channel has blocked my account from commenting on his latest video called ‘Censored TV Ad Banned from Airwaves’ for exposing his past dirty deeds and his support for scam-artists like Kevin Trudeau and Porter Stansberry.

Screen-shot taken the moment my account was blocked from commenting on ‘Censored TV Ad Banned from Airwaves’

Alex Jones complains about how the corporate media censored Porter Stansberry’s ‘End of America‘ Ad that he narrated, yet in his own YouTube video he’s filtering out the comments that disagree with him. Keep in mind this is the same guy that previously talked about how YouTube was censoring his videos despite the fact that if you search for the term “Alex Jones” in YouTube you’ll literally find thousands of videos to choose from. This proves without question that Jones is a hypocrite and this ‘video alert’ he just released whining about censorship is nothing more than another cheap stunt to get more suckers to buy into Porter Stansberry’s new scam.

(Alex Jones has been caught numerous times editing out material out of his radio show archives when callers mentioned information pertaining to over radio hosts and networks. There’s also been reports of moderators deleting and censoring posts on his own message board.)

The ‘End of America‘ video is a creation of Frank Porter Stansberry, founder of Stansberry & Associates Investment Research. Porter Stansberry was sued by the SEC for investment fraud.

An investment newsletter’s publisher and its editor have been hit with $1.5 million in financial penalties after a U. S. federal judge determined they defrauded their own subscribers in a securities scam.

Judgment in favor of the Securities Exchange Commission and against Maryland-based Pirate Investor LLC, now called Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, LLC, and Frank Porter Stansberry was issued at the U. S. District Court for the District of Maryland on August 1, 2007 – 28 months after the completion of a bench trial. The penalty comprises disgorgement of $1.3 million in profits and interest from the fraudulent activity, for which Pirate Investor and Stansberry are jointly and severally liable, plus a fine of $120,000 against each defendant.


The SEC had accused the defendants of fraud concerning a “Special Report” authored by Stansberry, using the pseudonym ‘Jay McDaniel’, about publicly-listed uranium enrichment services provider USEC, Inc. and a promotional “Super Insider Tip Email” offering the Special Report for sale that was distributed on May 14, 2002, after which Pirate Investor sold 1,217 reports for $1,000 each.

The promotional material offered purchasers of the report the opportunity to “double your money” by acting on “inside tips” that Stansberry had obtained from a “senior executive inside the company”, according to the SEC. However, the SEC alleged that the report, which included a claim that Government approval for a lucrative new pricing agreement involving USEC would be announced on May 22, was replete with lies and the judge agreed.

“The Super Insider Solicitation and the Special Report contain numerous statements that were untrue,” he commented. “Some of the untrue statements may not be actionable. [For example, the use of the pseudonym “Jay McDaniel” or even the predictive nature of some statements.] However, the essential fraudulent element – the misrepresentation that the purveyor of the Special Report had a particular inside source for the precise date on which the stock price would rise – is definitely actionable.” [Source]

Alex Jones is the same person who rails against corrupt government and big bankers like Goldman Sachs, yet he hangs around Maddoff-like cronies that rip-off his own readers for money. What does that say about Alex Jones?

This is the tip of the iceberg, follow the rabbit-hole and you will find even more scummy individuals tied to Alex Jones;

Dr. Joel Wallach

Dr. Joel Wallach has scammed many unfortunate people with debilitating diseases by creating a Pyramid Scheme in the U.S. and Australia. Here’s Stuart Adams, a nutritionist exposing his Pyramid Schemes and potentially dangerous products.

“I accepted an invitation to a information evening hosted by ‘Australian Longevity(AL)’, which sounded to me like it was just some kind of health enthusiast group. I arrived at the Australian Longevity head office at Castle Hill in Sydney, to find out that AL was in fact the Australian extension of ‘American Longevity’; the Multilevel Marketing (MLM) scheme created by Joel Wallach through which he markets his magic mineral water. I was told all about the wonderful health improvements that AL members had received from taking the ‘pig pack’; the name given to an incredibly expensive combination of dietary supplements, among which included this wonderful ‘glacial milk’ which the DDDL tape had left listeners wondering about. This particular mineral product was promised to be special in that it contained all ’60 essential minerals’ unlike the small handful that most supplements contain, but most notably, contained minerals in their ‘colloidal form’ which according to Wallach, was the only form in which our bodies could properly absorb them.

What seemed most interesting to me was the cult-like nature of this group. Many of them I recognised from the Latter Day Saint (Mormon) church, in which I had been brought up. (Apparently, Todd Smith, whom I would later meet in court, was a Mormon who brought the MLM scheme to Australia and had evidently used the church as a vehicle to spread his business.) The meeting involved attendees standing up, giving personal testimonials of how they had been cured of their diseases, and talk of why we should not trust the medical profession when it comes to health care, but instead refer to the teachings of Joel Wallach, who apparently was brave enough to rebel against medical conspiracy to bring us all the wonderful cures we needed to get well and stay well. This ”ours is the true group” ”we have the true leader” ”spread faith-promoting testimonials” nature of the meeting gave it many of the attributes I had become familiar with, growing up in the Mormon church. The man who had originally invited me along even told me that Joel Wallach was similar to Joseph Smith (the founder of the LDS religion) because both were humble farm boys, condemned among mainstream thinking for bringing the truth to the people, spread through a small faithful group.

These meetings were apparently a weekly event, where MLM distributors were to bring along new recruits to encourage them to sign up and join the pyramid; thus beginning the road to financial freedom simply by finding a handful of friends or family members who could do likewise. We were also given lots of health advice advocated by Wallach, which included making sure we consume lots of salt, butter and animal fat, to avoid vegetable oils and fibre, and of course, to purchase their various ‘nutritional’ supplements, most notably the ‘pig pack’ (so called because it was the formula Wallach claims to have used to cure arthritis in pigs) which included the all important ‘plant derived’ colloidal mineral water. Throughout this time I was informed as to the ‘real’ causes of various diseases such as cardiomyopathy, diabetes and even baldness and grey hair.


Many of the people who had been brought along by distributors were simply old, sick and very desperate people who were either sick themselves or had desperately ill family, who had heard Wallach’s DDDL tape (and no doubt received advice from AL distributors) and come along in hope of finding a cure.


The lies of Wallach and Australian Longevity may do more harm than simply ripping people off. Several of Wallachs claims are potentially dangerous, and some of his products may be harmful.” [Source]

Dr. Wallach made a MLM page for Alex Jones called the ‘Infowars Business Team‘, which is a Pyramid Scheme site encouraging others to sell Dr. Wallach’s products in hopes to get discounts on supplements and ‘financial freedom’:

Alex is excited to offer you the chance to work with him in a ground-breaking business that can help you achieve financial success and work alongside other like-minded, freedom-loving individuals. You don’t need to depend on global corporations or the government for your family’s financial needs. Working with Alex and others on our Infowars Business Team you can build your own, independent business – a business you control. Sign on with Alex and spread the word to others that the Infowars Business Team is here. [Source]

Kevin Trudeau

Infomercial con-artist Kevin Trudeau is a twice-convicted felon for swindling a bank and cheating his own customers through credit-card fraud. When he was in prison he started a Pyramid Scam called ‘Nutrition for Life‘, he was sued for that in several states and had to pay $185,000.

Kevin has been on the Alex Jones Show several times to promote his new Pyramid Scheme called the ‘Global Information Network’ and to push his books. The new scheme claims that anyone who joins the network will get inside information on the Bilderberg group where members will be taught their secrets of financial success.

The Ken Solar Scam

Now I know that this is a lot of information to absorb about the self-proclaimed patriot Alex Jones, but these facts alone should make you think twice about doing business with him or any of his sponsors for that matter. Many people that are from the patriot or truth movement are calling out Alex Jones & Company, including the infamous Jack Blood from Deadline Live who said;

Alex Jones “had called me late at night and talked about how we have to get people who don’t agree with him. What we can do behind the scenes to attack people in the liberty movement and TAKE THEM OUT, because they were causing him ‘due grievance’, that he felt threatened by them for some reason. A lot of times it was just because they didn’t ‘follow orders’ or they didn’t ‘worship enough’.” “One night I was sitting with Daniel Abrahamson in my kitchen and Jones didn’t know that we were together, he called us both, tried to play us off against each other while we were sitting at the same table. I mean this kind of thing would happen over and over and over again, I found myself blackballed in the movement!” “What I’m telling you is what comes from Alex Jones Corp. is not honest, he is not an honest broker. He could care less really about Texas, about liberty, about the republic, about 9/11 truth. I watched in the office when he was out of town once and I was covering for him. He had some kind of a special where if you bought right now you would get an autographed copy of a video or something, they ran out of autographed copies I watched as some of the office workers signed the videos ‘Alex Jones’.” “I’m in the (Alex Jones Show) office I’m watching just truckloads of videos going out the back, not his videos, other people’s! And I watched how they would call up and buy people’s videos for nothing, giving that person absolutely no profit forcing that person to decide on ‘well do they want exposure on the Alex Jones show and do they want to make 50 cents a video and here’s a lump sum of five or ten thousand dollars, or not?’.””>Alex Jones wanted to black-ball people in the truth movement and how he robbed them blind all just for exposure on his website;

Alex Jones “had called me late at night and talked about how we have to get people who don’t agree with him. What we can do behind the scenes to attack people in the liberty movement and TAKE THEM OUT, because they were causing him ‘due grievance’, that he felt threatened by them for some reason. A lot of times it was just because they didn’t ‘follow orders’ or they didn’t ‘worship enough’.”

“One night I was sitting with Daniel Abrahamson in my kitchen and Jones didn’t know that we were together, he called us both, tried to play us off against each other while we were sitting at the same table. I mean this kind of thing would happen over and over and over again, I found myself blackballed in the movement!”

“What I’m telling you is what comes from Alex Jones Corp. is not honest, he is not an honest broker. He could care less really about Texas, about liberty, about the republic, about 9/11 truth. I watched in the office when he was out of town once and I was covering for him. He had some kind of a special where if you bought right now you would get an autographed copy of a video or something, they ran out of autographed copies I watched as some of the office workers signed the videos ‘Alex Jones’.”

“I’m in the (Alex Jones Show) office I’m watching just truckloads of videos going out the back, not his videos, other people’s! And I watched how they would call up and buy people’s videos for nothing, giving that person absolutely no profit forcing that person to decide on ‘well do they want exposure on the Alex Jones show and do they want to make 50 cents a video and here’s a lump sum of five or ten thousand dollars, or not?’.”

Alex Jones is the self-proclaimed ‘leader‘ of the truth movement is nothing but a fearmonger hell-bent to get rich off people’s anxieties about the world. He made a name for himself in exploiting REAL conspiracies, and hyping up events that never turn out to be anything. For example; Alex Jones hyped up the Y2K scare that made many run for the hills according to Bill Cooper who said Alex Jones is a dangerous person that could be the death of the patriot movement. Just recently Alex Jones hyped the Japan fallout claiming that ‘one little grain of plutonium or uranium in you, you’re dead’. He used this event to push high-priced Potassium Iodide ( KI ) pills for $40 a bottle and falsely claimed that he was selling ‘the only Potassium Iodide in the U.S.’.

It’s up to you to realize that people who say ‘my friends‘ are really your enemies. Alex Jones could care less about the Truth Movement or stopping the New World Order and routing out corruption in America. Alternative news is important, but have to remember to always remain skeptical because there’s a war out for your money.

Related Articles:
Alex Jones Attacked People in the Truth Movement
Alex Jones Promoting Dr. Wallach Scam
Hypocrite Alex Jones Cries Censorship Again