UC Regents Pass 32% Fee Increase on Students, Sparks Outrage

Students from all UC’s (UCI, UCSD, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCD, UCSB, UCSC, UC Merced, UCR) gather to address the fee hikes induced to widen the education gap between the privileged and less so.
UC Regents Pass 32% Fee Increase on Students, Sparks Outrage

Daily Nexus
November 19, 2009

The UC Board of Regents officially approved a 32 percent student fee increase.

At today’s meeting, board members cast their votes – with only one dissenting – to hike mandatory system-wide undergraduate student fees to over $10,000 next year. The increase will occur in two stages, with the first 15 percent spiking midyear fees from $7,788 to $8,373 and the next 15 percent upping 2010-11 fees to $10,302.

This fee hike marks the ninth time in seven years that the UC Regents approved an increase in undergraduate tuition fees.

Student Regent Jesse Bernal, a UCSB graduate student, cast the only vote against the proposal.

Across the UCLA campus, protesters held rallies against the fee hike. Some students also occupied a university lecture hall for a sit-in demonstration.


UC Berkeley